General information
General information
Please notify me if your child has any allergies or special dietary requirements.
As other children attending may have allergies, I have a strict policy on food handling and would like parents to attempt to keep nut and shellfish products out of their lunchboxes.
Any personal information relating to each family is confidential and I promote the protection and privacy of these details and they will only be used for their specific needs such as payment or in helping with the development of your child.
Please make sure any information that you disclose is accurate, complete and up to-date, and you inform me of any changes.
On occasion, information such as children’s personal achievements, child portfolios and photos are displayed within the boundaries of Little Rockers.
- Please ensure that you write and sign an authorization note if someone else is to collect your child or if there is to be a variation from your normal routine. We are not able to release your child into the care of another person without your specific consent.
A person unfamiliar to staff will not be allowed to collect your child until staff have seen identification. - Ensure all details are completed and up to date on both the child’s enrollment forms and the Emergency Contact form. These forms are completed annually so staff members always have access to current contact numbers of parents.