- Day Rate $110.00 per day (8am till 5.00pm, negotiable)
- Out of Hours (at request).
- Casual care $12.00 per hour (at request)
- Before and after school care $10.00 per hour.
Bond (3 days or less is 2 weeks payment in advance 4 days or more 1 week payment in advance.)
Little Rockers Family Day Care is an approved service which means all eligible families within a certain income bracket are entitled to receive some Child Care Benefit or CCB.
Please ensure that you write and sign an authorization note if someone else is to collect your child or if there is to be a variation from your normal routine. We are not able to release your child into the care of another person without your specific consent.
A person unfamiliar to staff will not be allowed to collect your child until staff have seen identification.
Ensure all details are completed and up to date on both the child’s enrolment forms and the Emergency Contact form. These forms are completed annually so staff members always have access to current contact numbers of parents.
Any financial problems should be discussed with myself as they arise. As the Little Rockers Pty Ltd is dependent on your fees to operate, it’s essential that you do not fall behind. Failure to pay regularly will result in the suspension of your child’s place so that a place becomes available for the next child on the Waiting List.
Little Rockers operates between 8am - 5.00pm (earlier or later times can be requested) Parents are encouraged to pick their children up 15 minutes early if you require a brief conversation about your child’s day.
I understand sometimes there are unavoidable delays and parents must try to notify me as early as possible.
If the parent is more than 15 minutes late for their pick up a fine will be charged to their next fee payment.
After the first 15 minute window a $15 fee for every 1/4 hour will be applied.
Fees are payable by cash or Direct Deposit and should be kept in advance at all times.
Fees will be charged as usual:
- If the child is absent through illness
- If the child is on holidays (please pay prior to departure).
If you wish to terminate your child’s place at Little Rockers, two (2) weeks written notice must be given, or two weeks fees paid in lieu of notice.
If fees are consistently late and reminders are ignored, a notice (in writing) will be given, suspending the child’s enrollment from a date specified by myself.
If an arrangement to pay is not made, your child’s place will be reallocated one week later, and we will start the process for outstanding fees.